Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > zoning


22 9:10:57

we would like to move to jacksonville beach florida with our 2 potbellied pigs. are they allowed there?
Thank you

Every town and city has it's own zoning ordinances. Home Owners Associations have their own rules, which can be more strict and just as enforceable as any government regulation.

The best way to verify if pigs are allowed is to contact City Hall. Don't rely on verbal assurances alone, request a written copy of the ordinances. In the eyes of the law, any statements made by city employees are meaningless, the only thing that counts is what the written codes say. There may be a copy fee to get the ordinances, but if questions come up, it will be worth it to have written proof handy.

Most city or village halls are happy to provide copies of the codes. But, on occasion, city employees have refused to cooperate. Once, a city employee actually told me that individual citizens were not allowed to even see the codes! If you happen to get a difficult person, you can always contact the Mayors office.

If you are signing a Homeowners Association Agreement, read it carefully. These contracts are strictly binding in court. People have been sued and forced out of their homes for violating these contracts.

There's more information about zoning, including some cities where pigs are legal, examples of rules, etc at