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11 day old Mini PBP

22 9:15:54


Elmer at 11 days old o
Hello.I just bought a Mini Pot Bellie Pig (and its the runt)off of someone .She gave me a can of Goats milk that Im supposed to dilute with water for his formula (his name is Elmer).He is really small.About the size of a soda can.Ive been having to feed him with a childs medicine syringe (no needle of course).He will only eat about 5mls at a time and even then i have to "make" him eat.I do this about every 2 hrs. I've tried offering it to him in a shallow dish, but he wont take it that way.lRight now all he wants to do is sleep.I do have another PBP who is about 4 months old named Wilber (got him when he was 2 weeks old).But this new one is a Mini, whereas Wilber is defiantly NOT!Never had issues with Wilber eating.Is 5mls every 2 hrs enough for this itty bitty guy? I slept on the couch with him last nite to be sure that I wouldnt miss a feeding!I will do what I need to, but this one is totally different than my big boy Wilber.Wilber ate human-grade powdered milk (made w/water) for his formula and did great, and  when he turned about 2 weeks I started offering him PBP pellets.Anything else I need to know? BTW-Wilber was neutered and de-tusked when the litter was a few days old.I have 2 boys now.Would it best to do the same to my new one?Thanks for any advice you can give!Elaine

The pig should get one third of its weight everyday...could you weigh him and determine what he needs?
Goats' milk is great, but would  rather  have you pan feeding him. Train him like a kitten.....otherwise the milk often gets in their lungs (aspration) and the piglet succumbs.......
He should be neutered  by a vet at 6-9 weeks, no detusking (tusks are trimmed) until he is several years old.
Good luck,
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