Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > My 5 year old pot-bellied pig broke her front tooth and looking for vet in colorado

My 5 year old pot-bellied pig broke her front tooth and looking for vet in colorado

22 9:15:59

My 5 year old potbellied pig broke one of her front teeth in half. She does not seem to be in any pain at all. Is this normal for her teeth to break or should we see a vet? We are having a hard time finding a vet in Colorado. Any help would be great.
Thank you!

Most pot-bellied pigs have an underbite, so I assume your talking about those front, center bottom teeth that stick out a bit.

At age 5 these are her adult teeth. Unlike her tusks, that tooth will not grow back. Yes, your female does have tusks, but they are small and thin compared to a male.

Her broken tooth might be sensitive to heat and cold, and it may have a sharp edge. The sensitivity will eventually fade and the sharp edge should wear down, but do keep an eye on it.

Check her environment carefully to see if you can figure out how she broke it, and correct the problem. Those front teeth are pretty sturdy and seldom break.

There's a list of Colorado vets here. I suggest contacting some of the closest vets even if they are quite distant, they might be able to recommend someone near you.