Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > Our new piggy

Our new piggy

22 9:15:59

We just got a new mini pot bellied pig. He is about 3 months
old and is six or seven pounds. He doesn't look thin at all.
He is kind of fat acctually. Is that a normal wieght for 3
months? He hasn't been neutered yet. We are going to take
him next week. Are their any pig risks to this operation? He
also makes this high pitch sqeak when he is near me, but
makes the screaming noise when anybody elso comes up to
him.. Is that normal?


P.S. Is their anything abnormal about him sneaking into my
bed at night. He has a little dog bed, but doesn't seem very
intrested. He sleeps where ever I sleep. Is this a behavior
something I should stop or something that does't matter?

It is impossible to tell you the normal size your piglet should be at three months old as i would need need to know the mature size of his parents.
You need to find a vet who is very familiar with Miniature pigs.
You should ask a lot of questions and make sure The vet knows about anesthic issues with your Piglet.
Pot Bellied Pigs make all sorts of noises.  You will learn what they mean as time goes by.  
Good luck with your new piglet!