Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > 13 day old mini PBP

13 day old mini PBP

22 9:15:52

Elmer at 13 days old
Elmer at 13 days old  
QUESTION: I asked you some questions yesterday and now I have another! My little Elmer hasnt gone poo at all since ive had him (got him barely 3 nites ago).He did finally drink out of a shallow dish tonite twice!He also woke up from his nap a bit ago and walked over to his litterbox.I think he may be trying to poo,but nothing comes out.He is peeing tho.I saw it.How long should I let him go before I need to intervene to get him to poo?What should i use?He is so so tiny.I weighed him on a digital scale and it says 2.2 lbs.Im still feeding him about every 2 hrs and now he is eating about 1 tablespoon,maybe 2 each time.Is this sufficient?Thanks (again)

ANSWER:  Was he taken away from his mother too early ( before 8 weeks)?
Forgive me if I don't remember, I read 500 emails per day!
A little pumpkin (canned) will help with consitipation.
Good luck,
Priscilla Valentine

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

Elmer at 13 days old
Elmer at 13 days old  
QUESTION: I got him from some lady out of town,she got him from the breeder.He was the runt.Hes about the size of a regular soda can,maybe just a tiny bit longer.He finally did go poo early ( 3am ) this morning.Is every 2 hours to feed him sufficient enough ( he eats just about 1-2 tablespoons at each feeding).Im using powdered milk ( diluted of course with water).He just doesnt seem real energetic, wants to sleep all the time.Is it because he is the runt?My other pot bellie was all over the place at this age.I just want to do the best I can with him.Thanks again Priscilla .

Powdered milk does not have enough fat and protein for a baby pig.
Instead, use goat's milk.
(Often a runt, I most warn you, is the pig is the poorest health, that's why they do not thrive).
It (goats' milk  also is very digestable.
He needs that fat and protein so he can have some energy.
Please consider our book at to help you raise him!
Good luck,