Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > squeeling,whiney piggy

squeeling,whiney piggy

22 9:16:58

i rescued my pig Berta when she was 4 months old. she had horrible mange that had caused a skin infection, never had been vaccinated and she wasn't spayed or potty trained. I am happy to say i fixed all of that. i just cant seem to fix the constant noise making. she is so loud when i try to do anything with her. if i want to wipe out her ears she screams, if i cant get the door open fast enough she whines. if my husband tries to pet her she squeals. all the time she is making noise. I am not talking about grunting or snorting, I am talking very vocal high pitched noise. but when I am scooping her pbp food out of the bag and into her bowl she will wait quietly. but that is the only time. please help! what can i do! are some pigs just way noisier than other pigs?

I am sorry your pig is so noisy!
AND they can be VERY loud! I dislike screaming, too.
In the wild, pigs are mainly quiet animals. They do not want to alert
predators to their presence.
As pets, they quickly learn that squealing can manipulate their human counterparts.  You must never give into a loud pig.
Instead, try to figure out in your normal interaction if your pig is benefiting from making noise because you react in a way the pig likes. Since I don't live with you, I cannot do this.
But on a daily level, try and appraise WHY your pig is squealing, and change the way YOU act around her,by not giving into the pigs demands...
Just a thought,
Good luck,
Priscilla (Please consider purchasing our behavior book at