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new boyfriend

21 18:02:56

I have had hamlet for a year now and we have had our ups and downs but for the most part he is a great little Piggie. I have been dating someone for awhile now and ham liked him at first, but now he hates my boyfriend and runs away screaming (ham, Not my boyfriend, lol) My boyfriend is being really patient about it and trying his best to get ham to like him, like being in charge of feeding him or rubbing his belly. I plan on moving in with him soon and we will be making a place for ham outside, as he has been an indoor Piggie, with a few hours in his pig pen outside a day. Is there a way we can make this transition easier and warm him up to my boyfriend? Also, he will be sleeping outside now and my boyfriend will be building him a little dog house to keep him warm and cool. Is there anything else I can have out there to make him happy? It will be on the sunny side of the yard so he gets some sun. Thanks!

Most pigs easily make the transition to outdoor life.

Have everything in place as much as possible before moving piggy into his new home. Use his same food bowl, and put some of his bedding in his new house.

Winter is approaching, so if you are living someplace cold, it may already be too cold for him to move outdoors.

If you're in a warm climate it's safer to move him outside in winter when it's cooler. Shade and constant access to water will be vital in the hot summer.

In the meantime, it's a good idea to have your boyfriend keep feeding him. Also, both of you teaching piggy a few tricks might help. Trick training is not about the pig performing, but about pig and person learning to communicate with each other, and the pig learning to listen to, trust and obey the person.