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Need help with our mini pig behavior

22 9:12:36

We have a male mini pig that was born on Feb 20th 2011. The breeder said they tried to neuter him but could only remove one testicle because the other had not dropped yet. We took him to our Vet in early May and had the other one removed. When he came home he had staples, this made me wonder about the "neuter job" by the breeder because when we got him 2 days after he had a testicle removed he had no scars, stitches, staples etc.

Our vet said he didnt see the other one, this all becomes very important because about 2 weeks ago he has began to hump random things, even a wet/dry vac. He is also urinating on everyones shoes, clothes, and even feet! He also has began to "bark" rather aggressive towards people. This all points to testosterone , which he should not have right? Do you think a testicle still remains? He also wants to nibble and suck on hands constantly, what is the reason for that? Thank you for your help, this is becoming very frustrating with the spraying of urine. He is really good about going outside.

I doubt the other testicle was removed as there would definitely be a scar.  Different Vets use different procedures to stitch them after they are neutered.
Who did you purchase him from?
How old was your piglet when you receive him?
Contact the sellers and get the name of the Vet who they said neutered him.
Contact the Vet personally and get the facts.
There are so many unscrupulous breeders out there now.  
I believe your are correct that he still has one testicle.  This is common with PBPs.  If this is the case it can be removed by a competent Vet.  PBPs can herniate very easily also so the Vet needs to prepare for that in case it happens during the surgery.
Hope this helps,