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my dwarf pig

22 9:17:37

i bought a dwarf pot belly a few weeks ago.. he is about a few months old and i was wondering if these particular pigs get tusks and how to go about dealing with that? also tips on litter box training because he doesn't seem to be picking up on it? and how old do they need to be to be neutered?

Welcome to the world of piggydom!
All pigs of all species get canine teeth (tusks).
In the males these start to protrude at about two years. They cannot be removed without compromising the jaw, so pig owners have their vets trim them every 2-3 years.
They make horrible pets if they are not neutered, we suggest they are done after 7 weeks. A vet must do it!
We use pine shavings for litter....
Please consider our new  book, Potbellied Pig Behavior and Training at It will take you through any piggy problems and has great color photos, too.
We are limited to 250 spaces to answer.
Priscilla Valentime