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weird behavior

22 9:13:57

Hi, hopefully you can answer this question as it seems weird and no articles explain pig behavior so I have read. We have had our 5 week pbp for 2 days now and tonight my husband was trying to pet him and Jet (pbp) started nugding him continually and was jumping on him and it almost looked as if he was humping him soon enough after this rough play it smelled of a weird odor so we stopped playing with him. Jet our 5 week old pot belly pig was humping my husband and then an odor came... is this odd and will this be fixed if we neuter him?

Your piggy's behavior is perfectly normal intact male pig behavior. The odor is also normal. Intact male pigs constantly emit that odor, female pigs just love it. But people usually don't care for it.

Both the humping and odor will disappear after he's neutered. Because he's so young, the behavior will stop quickly.

The odor comes from a butterfly shaped pouch called the preputial diverticulum, located in the middle of his belly. This pouch collects all sorts of fluids. When a male is neutered young, the pouch stays small. But, when the pig is under extreme stress, or on rare occasions at night while he's asleep, the pouch may empty, releasing the odor. In intact males, this pouch can grow quite large and empties frequently, so the male always has the odor.