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Baby pbp mites

22 9:17:27

My 8 week old baby potbelly has the same problem you mentioned. I was just wondering where you buy your ivomec. Also, my pbp is a female, should I get her spead? Thank you so much for your time.

Great questions! Ivomec is sold in large quanties only on the internet or feed stores..... We get ours from Jeffers livestock , do a Google search.
It is probably cheaper  to take the pig to the vet and get her both spayed and treated. Unspayed pigs get PMS every 21 days, it gets worse as they get older....they will mount you, chase you around, nip, forget proper potty habits, scream, terrorize other pets...
It is a MUST. They should be spayed when young....hopefully under 6 months, or the risk and price goes up!
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Good luck,