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Seizures ? :(

22 9:17:27

 I have 2 pot-bellied pigs, one is 6 y/o the other is 3 months, and they are both neutered males. I have never had any problems with my older guy, but the little one is a different story. I feel asleep with him last night(I know it's a BAD habit)and woke up to him choking, reached in his mouth to see if anything was there, and he felt like he had lockjaw, first with the mouth open, the he shut it but I couldn't open it.
 He felt stiff, and then he started making the worst squealing noises I have ever heard. My husband put him on the floor and held him up, and in a minute with the help of some food he seemed fine, just a little confused for a while.
 I called my vet, and we are going in monday but I just thought I'd get your opinion also. I was worried that he could be inbred..he's knock-kneed, he seems very attached, stills tries to suckle on my finger, and just doesn't seem to be growing right.

That must have been terrifying for you!
As with humans, often the causes of seizures are never found.
They are usually treated with Phenobarbital in pigs.
But there are two things I would like you to ask your vet about that can cause seizures or a locked jaw -
1. Lack of selenium (not uncommon in YOUNG pigs)
2. Tetanus
Good luck,
Priscilla Valentine (not a vet)