Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > Im Sorry!!

Im Sorry!!

22 9:13:45

I received an e-mail in reply to a question I sent. It said you had answered it once for me already. I am sure your time is quite valuable to you, as mine is to me. I assure you Mrs Morrisroe I DID NOT ask a question in the past and I am not likely to ask another in the future. The information on this site has always been helpful to me and I respect your desire to give people correct and helpful advise, but this response was quite rude. I searched this whole website before I asked my question and found no answer already given, to anyone. When this issue came up I "went to the source" by asking a breeder, with a stellar reputation, well I'm sorry to have bothered you mam won't happen again.

I am sorry too!!!  Evidently the answer I sent didn't get posted or sent to you.
Computers can make mistakes too!
If you resend your question I will do my best to answer it for you.
I can't find the question or the answer now myself.
My apologies!