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horrific skin problem with pot bellied pig

22 9:11:35

QUESTION: HELP,PLEASE!  My daughter's "teacup" potbellied pig is literally rubbing her skin off.  She is inside so it's not sunburned.  She has scratched and rubbed until it is bleeding.  I gave her a warm bath to get her clean. Would like to give Benadryl for the itching but since this is the first pig in the family and I have dogs and cats, I'm not sure what to do about her discomfort....and all she does is scratch and is making it worse.  No vets available until Monday, where we live.  Any advice?
Thank you!

ANSWER: Your piglet probably has mange. I am always shocked when breeders sell expensive piglets with mange to unsuspecting new pig owners. Mange is very common. There are other possibilities, but most likely it's mange.

Mange is caused by tiny mites. Swine mange is caused by swine mites, sarcoptes scabiei. Unlike fleas, the mites are species specific. They can not live long after leaving the pig. Their eggs will not hatch unless they are laid on a pig. So there is no danger of these mites infesting other animals. A few brave and foolish mites might try to migrate from the pig to other pets or people, but they will not live long and will not be able to reproduce.

Mange medicine is given in at least two doses, two weeks apart. The first dose kills any living mites. The second dose kills any mites that hatched after the first dose. In severe infestations, three or more doses may be needed.

In the meantime you can use any lotion made for people on your pig. There is no danger of your pig licking lotion off his body and ingesting it, because pigs do not lick themselves. Pick one that is made to relieve itching. Pigs often do not like having cold lotion applied to their skin, so warm the lotion up by putting it in a pan of hot water for a few minutes before using it.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for your response but I do have some additional questions that popped up.  While waiting for your response, I did some research and did exactly what you mentioned.....warm non-itching lotion!   She really loves it.  My daughter thought it was mange, because of her research.  Now,the problem is we don't have vets around us that see pot-bellied pigs or pet pigs.  Am I right that what she needs is a prescriptive medication?  

She is better. But I do want to get rid of the mites. The mites have gotten on my daughter, but as you said, don't stay long but are very worrisome.  Her skin has scabbed over and we are continuing to put the lotion on but I'm not quite sure where to go to get something for the mites.

Would Jeffers, Inc carry something like that for pigs?  

Thank you so much!  You have been very helpful.

There's a list of vets who see pot-bellied pigs at They also have some vets who are willing to work with other vets over the phone, so if you have a regular vet who's willing to do this it's a possibility.

Jeffers and Valley Vet Supply both carry Ivomectrin, which is the usual choice for swine mange. Both companies offer excellent customer service, don't hesitate to contact them for help in choosing the right product. Weigh your pig on a scale for accuracy. It's difficult to accurately guestimate a pig's weight by appearance, because they have dense little bodies.