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Jebidiah Swine losing his teeth

22 9:16:18

Hi I have a 4 year old potbellied pig named Jebidiah Swine. I have been noticing that Jeb only has about one or two front teeth. I am really worried that there is a problem with his gums or something that is making him lose his teeth. What can I do?

Potbellied pigs have secondary teeth that start coming in after a year to two years.
Are you sure of his age?
Breeders tend to  "lie" about pigs ages so they look smaller than their age.
The front upper teeth are hard to the lower jaw they have 4  hightly visable "scooper" teeth. The other teeth are not so easy to see.
The back molars are VERY hard to see because they cannot open their jaw wide, like a dog.
At this point, unless he can't eat a carrot, I would not be concerned.....unless other symptoms are present.