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PBP and Horses

22 9:18:29

I have been told that I shouldn't keep a Pig in the Barn with horses . Do you know why this is ?

Pot-bellied pigs are flexible and can live quite comfortably with most animals and pose no threat to a horse. Horses, due to their larger size, can be quite dangerous to a small pig.
But, both pigs and horses can live comfortably together in a barn so long as both have "safe space".
Ideally, the pig should have a stall to himself, perhaps with a small doggie door so he can enter and leave at will. If that is not do able, then a dog-a-loo tucked into a corner will provide a suitable sleeping space for the pig.
The important thing is to keep them separate at feeding time. Pigs WILL try to get other animals food, and a horse will respond to this by kicking and stomping, which could seriously injure or even kill the pig. If the pig has his own stall, he can be put in there at dinner time (close the doggie door!), and stay until everyone is finished eating.
Another potential problem is horse feed. Pigs adore sweet feed, but the high molasses content can make a pig very fat very quickly. Pigs do quite well on complete horse pellets, those are fine. But the sweet feeds and corn feeds are not, and pigs are experts at getting to foods they should not have, so the food storage area may need extra security.
Pigs and horses can easily share a pasture area, but again a kick or stomp could seriously injure the pig.
It may seem counter intuitive, but it works better when two or three pot-bellied pigs are kept with horses than a single pig with horses. The pigs will be friends and hang around with each other. A single pig will try to bond with the horses, which means more chances the pig might be kicked or stomped or bitten.