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cannot touch pig

22 9:11:54

I brought home 3 month old pig last week. He was never held or socialized. He will come when called, but will not come close enough to be petted.
What should I do? I give him special treats, but have to throw them because he won't come close.
Thanks so much for any advice.

The key is to let piggy come to you. Pigs are very motivated by food, so work with him near mealtimes. Sit still on the floor and speak quietly to him, with food in your outstretched hand. Let him take his time approaching you. If necessary, put a little food down on the floor in front of you, let him take that a few times.

While he's eating, gradually start to pet and touch him. Always tell him what you're going to do before you do it, so he isn't startled or frightened.

When it's afternoon or evening nap time, try to approach him as he sleeps. Speak softly to him, and try to rub his tummy. Pigs really love tummy rubs.

I highly recommend the book Pot-Bellied Pig Behavior and Training by Priscilla Valentine. Pris really understands how pigs think and why they do the things they do. She goes into socialization in much more detail than I can here. Her book is available from