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pot belly pig license

22 9:12:18

How do I get my city to accept my pig as a pet and get her licensed?  She has had her vaccinations.  She is sweet and smart and tame, like most are as I have discovered!

Every community has different laws, and homeowners association rules may apply, too.

The first step is to get a written copy of the zoning ordinances and homeowners association rules. Don't rely on what someone "says". People can say anything the feel like, but the only thing that counts is what is written in the ordinances and rules.

Then, go to  There's a wealth of zoning information there, including step by step instructions for petitioning your community to change or amend the regulations to allow your pig, and examples of good and bad ways of wording the new rules. There's also letters from the USDA indicating that pot-bellied pigs are considered pets, not farm animals.

If you don't see the solution to your problem on the site, contact Becky DiNolfi through Petpigzone. Becky is a zoning expert and can give you loads of advice for your specific situation.