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injury to pot belly pig hooves

21 18:00:44

My Sally is 1 year old, she has been limping for 2 weeks. Tonite while she was giving birth I noticed her hooves. She is a single hoof but both her rear hooves and front left have cracks that run up to the top of her hooves! I thought she was just lazy cause she really hasn't been playing all that much. I am so worried that she might go lame! She my baby girl and though I live in a farming community the nearest Vet is 1 hour away and doesn't work with ANY pigs... his statement. I am disabled and not allowed to drive, I AM SO SICK OVER THIS.... Please help????

I am not a veterinarian and can not make a medical diagnosis or prescribe treatment over the internet.

There are two big issues here, one is treating the cracks the other is figuring out why they happened and preventing it from happening again.

If she is limping, it means they hurt. It's important to keep them very clean to prevent infection. If they are infected, she'll need antibiotics.

The next thing is to make sure she is on comfortable surfaces and getting proper nutrition. If she is a nursing mom she'll need Adult Mini pig food mixed with Youth mini pig food. Also, improperly trimmed hooves can crack.

A farrier might be able to help. A farrier can not prescribe medication, but can tell you if the hooves are infected and trim her hooves properly.