Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > hemorrhoids??


22 9:12:40


pot belly pig bottom
We have a very healthy, almost 3 month old pot belly pig.  Eats, sleeps, plays just fine.  I noticed a few days ago that it looks like something is protruding from her bottom.  It's pink and healthy looking, but I just don't know if it's normal.  I'm not sure what a pig's bottom is supposed to look like!  I am wondering if this could be a hemorrhoid? Like I said, she seems just fine, but would like some reassurance.  We will be seeing our vet in a few weeks for her first visit, but wondering if I should take her in sooner?
Thank you for any information.

I am not a veterinarian and I can not make a medical diagnosis over the internet.

The danger signs are straining to go potty and not eating. If your pig exhibits either of these symptoms, she needs to see a vet right away.

Prolapsed colons happen occasionally, usually when the pig is straining to poo. Normally, they go back in promptly. The problems start when they hang out for awhile. If your piggy will let you take a close look, see if the swelling is coming out of her rectum, or if it's the tissue along side the body openings.

When female pigs go into heat, their bottoms swell. Pigs usually have their first heat at 4 or 5 months. Your pig is a bit young for that, but it is entirely possible. Normally the swelling will be fairly even on both sides and will vanish after a few days, when the heat cycle is over.

If the swelling is a protrusion from the rectal opening, or if piggy is straining to go pee or poo, or if piggy stops eating or drinking, then it's an emergency and piggy will need to see a vet right away.

If the swelling is only on one side of the body and does not go away in a week or less, call your vet and explain the situation. It's probably not be life threatening, but they may want to see her sooner or at least be aware of it when you bring her in.