Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > my piggy wont eat.

my piggy wont eat.

22 9:11:19

Hi, I have a small potbelly piggy that I got on Saturday and she won't eat, I have tried the goats milk, soaking cheerios in the milk, bottle feeding, spoon feeding, tray feeding.  I don't know what to do, she drinks well, poops fine and is not lethargic but i noticed that when I got her she had a healthy little tummy but it has gotten smaller since Saturday I'm guessing because lack of food.  I tried grapes, hay letting her get in the dirt but she still won't take anything.  She's as sweet as can be and I don't want to lose her because i can't get her to eat.  How long can she go without eating??  please help thanks

Piggy has just undergone a very traumatic transition. Piggy was taken from everything she's known for her whole life, and suddenly thrust into a strange new place with strange new people and pets and smells. Some pigs don't eat well for the first few days, and some may develop constipation.

Age is an issue, too. Pigs usually wean their babies at 8 to 12 weeks. Piglets younger than 5 weeks aren't interested in food because they are not old enough to understand food. Once they reach 8 or 9 weeks of age, food is all they are interested in.

If she's drinking, then you've got a good start. Try adding a little fruit juice to the water, to get some calories into her. Try giving her the goats milk slightly warm to the touch, in the dish she drinks water out of. Another option is to try adding a little bit of baby food or applesauce to the water, then more and more food to the same amount of water. If you can get her to eat the applesauce or baby food, you can gradually switch her to pellets. Mix the pellets with some warm water until they're the consistency of oatmeal or cream of wheat cereal, and mix that with the baby food. At each meal, use more pellets and less baby food.

Sometimes temperature will interest a piglet, so try offering her frozen Popsicles or ice cream. She might eat soft foods like cubed melon, that are easier to swallow than spit out. Or something quite warm and vanilla scented, like warm cereal with a drop of vanilla.