Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > Micro-Minis


22 9:18:00

 First of all, I would like to say that I am a huge fan of you and Nelly. You both inspired me to love pigs as much as I do. I love them so much I would like to have one of my own. But, first I would like some information on the teacup pig. I understand that most of them are malnourished to become so small. However, few of them are lab done and are still good condition well bred pigs. Even then, though, how long would they live? Are they just as smart as the normal pot-bellied pig? And if they were, how would I know if the one I'm getting is malnourished or lab done? What are your opinions on this? I would love a normal one, but I'm afraid I have no space for one as big as Nelly...

Thank you for the kind words!
A tea cup pig or other words to describe  miniature Vietnamese potbellied pigs are marketing terms, not scientific terms.
It is a ruse to get you to part with your money because the potbellied pigs no longer sell.
They (potbellies)  are the smallest breed in America, but average about 130# at 4 years. The more research you do, you will find that sanctuaries are full of 200# "teacup pigs".
         Usually the pigs are marketed by showing pics of tiny babies. Sometimes they make up a breed name, but the piglets look like potbellied pigs.
I had to laugh when you described Nellie as "big".
At 16 years of age and 49# she is the smallest full grown pig we have ever seen.  We would give anything to find another pig as small as her, and have been looking for 15 years.
          Lab pigs are never sold to the public, that we know of....that is because they are deliberately inbred to cause traits that the particular lab needs to experiment upon. The gene pool is tiny. They are genetic "disasters", and usually euthenized when they serve their purpose.
PLEASE keep researching....I wish most people would, as you are doing.
Good luck but watch out!
Pigs are only what God made them...
Priscilla Valentine