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Benny our 4 and a half month old pot belly pig

22 9:17:14

We got our pig about 2 months ago and he has been a challenge, he is litterbox trained as far as urinating but he won't poop in his box! He either will go outside or he gets out of his area and will poop on the carpet in the living room. About a month ago he started to eat his poop, I called the vet and they gave me some type of powder to put in his food to stop this but that didn't work. He is a lot of work, we bought him from a petting zoo they were not professional breeders and we feel like he is a bad breed, we really don't know how his mother and father were raised will this make for a good house pet or not?

He will stop eating his poop as he gets older.
He may be doing this because some of his food is coming through undigested.
We suggest feeding only Mazuri Active Feed (sold at feed store) and fresh cut veggies (no fruit, it has sugar).
Restaining him in a small room and retraining him to use the box usually works.
He must be  neutered to be a good pet, we suggest our book that was MEANT for new baby pig owners, sold at
Good luck,
Priscilla Valentine