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potbelly pain meds

22 9:14:22

We have 4 potbellies, which we rescued some years ago. Two are old. Rudy is 17; Barney, 16. Rudy is beginning to thin down, although we feed him more than in the past. Barney is beginning to limp. I'd like to give them something for arthritic pain, especially at night when it's cold. What do you suggest. I know aspirin is not advisable. Thank you so much for your willingness to answer.

The drug of choice for arthritis pain and inflammation is Rimadyl, which is available only by prescription from a veterinarian. It can cause tummy upset so is given with food and sometimes a preventive antacid (like Pepcid AC)

Many people report that adding a nutritional supplement helps a lot. Some people prefer a product like Next Level (made for horses), other people use supplements intended for humans (Glucosamine products), and some people sprinkle a packet of unflavored gelatin over pellets.

Some other things that might help are making sure the hooves are trimmed as short as possible, making sure floors are not slippery (rubber mats work great, so does a rubber garage floor cut into smaller pieces). Replace steps with gently sloping non-slip ramps. Indoor pigs might enjoy a dog bed made with memory foam for arthritic dogs. Outdoor pigs might enjoy a stall mat designed for horses, that both cushions and holds heat. Extra pounds put extra pressure on arthritic joints, when obese pigs loose weight, arthritic symptoms also vanish.

Heating lamps and pads are controversial. I personally would never use a heat lamp anywhere near straw; heat + straw often = fire. Some people set up heat lamps in one stall and keep all bedding in a different stall. But one pig can move an entire bale of straw from one place to another in a single afternoon, and the pig won't understand the danger of putting bedding near a heat lamp. Some pigs do Ok with electric heat mats and pads, others have been known to fall asleep on an electric pad and end up with a mild burn. Of course, these should not be used anywhere near moisture or flammable bedding like straw.

A better way to create a warm sleeping area inside a barn or stall is to build a little room out of straw bales, and throw a tarp over the top. Or, put a dog a loo inside the building and stuff it full of straw.

Warm food is also welcome, especially for outdoor pigs in winter. A little warm water over the pig pellets makes a comforting winter meal for a pig.

Some people give baby aspirin to their pigs, 325 mg per 75 lb of pig. But, long term use of aspirin can cause problems, including ulcers and impaired blood clotting. Some people use medicated arthritis rubs made for humans (Ben Gay). But, the odors of these products can have a strange effect on some pigs, almost like a seizure. If your pig reacts like this to a smelly product, try an unscented version.