Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > inbred


22 9:17:07

I just bought a baby pig and the breeders were telling us about the pigs they had and my pigs mother was bred to its sibling and I was wondering if it was going to be normal or if this was bad for pigs. She seems very smart and has already started to warm up to our family.  I just wanted to make sure she was ok.

I hope she is okay, but inbreeding cause "hidden" genetic faults, especially weak hearts.
Since the pigs were imported into the US (Only 18) they all come from a limited gene pool to begin with. To inbreed on top of that may shorten your pig's life expectancy.... breeding siblings together means they share 50 per cent of their genes, NOT HEALTHY.
We would never, ever suggest this.
Check with your vet,
Good luck,
Priscilla Vlentine