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introducing 2nd pig

22 9:14:25

I have an 8 year old female pig.She has her own air conditioned  room and yard. recently my neighbor asked me to take her 8 month old pig as her father wanted her get rid of it. I realize that pigs will fight and when the baby was introduced there were the usual pig confrontations.When it got too bad i intervened  and drove the younger pig away. when my older big got a bloody lip I immediately removed the baby and returned it to the owner. i would like to try again. Is there anything we can do? Thank you so much.

If possible, start by getting both pigs used to the other pigs smell. Perhaps bring the new pig home and keep mostly in a separate room, like a laundry room. Block or section off an area of your pigs room, so the pigs can see and smell each other, but can't get to each other, and put the new pig in there for part of every day.

After a week or so let them out in the yard together. This is the hardest part. Do not intervene, instead, walk away. Go inside, watch a movie.

The two of them must work it out together. People often try to mediate the fighting between new pigs. It seems like a good idea to us, but we are people. Pigs are pigs and they think differently. When well meaning owners interfere, it prolongs the fighting and can often make it worse. Sometimes it does get a bit bloody, like a bitten ear or lip. They will not seriously injure each other, although they may scream a lot and make some pretty horrible sounds.

After they've moved in together, they'll each need their own food dish. They can share a very large, non-tipping water dish, or a refilling dish. If you're using an ordinary water dish, get one for each pig.