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Excessive thirst/urination in pot belly pig

21 18:02:45

I have an 8 yr old spayed female pig.  I have had her since she was 2 months old.  In april she developed a tumor on her left rear leg.  We did surgery in July but a month later it returned. 2 weeks ago the vet was out to freeze the tumor cells which we have done several times. After freezing them, she gave her a shot of Draxxin, a swine antibiotic.  About 2 days later, I started noticing she was drinking much more then normal. Then she started peeing in her room.  I tried letting her out more often but she is still drinking way more then she normally would and has started urinating in her room at night.  She just can't hold it.  Before this, she never went in her room.  We did blood work and her glucose was 74, so normal.  Her liver and kidney values were also normal. The only abnormal result was that her protein was high and the vet said that could be a result of the tumor. I can't explain the increased drinking and urination. If I can't get it under control, I may have to euthanize her and I don't want to do that for a reason I can't explain. I should also mention that the antibiotic should have been out of her system after a week to 10 days. Thinking that it might have been the cause of the problem.  Any ideas?

I am not a veterinarian and can not make a medical diagnosis over the internet.

If your vet is willing, Dr Wilbers does phone consultations with other veterinarians. He has extensive experience with pet pigs, and may have some thoughts.
Arlen Wilbers
Quakertown Veterinary Clinic
2250 Old Bethlehem Pike
Quakertown, PA 18951

Increased drinking and thirst are symptoms of diabetes, but that is rare in pigs and it sounds like your vet has already checked for that, and for any urinary infections. She is spayed so it's safe to rule out any reproductive tract infections.

Old pigs, like old people, sometimes have a change in body functions. If piggy can't hold it through the night, it might help to set her up with a litter box. Put it in the spot where she is having her accidents, and hopefully that will solve that.