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Male Piglet

22 9:11:20

I was wondering if my 6 month old male pig could be harmed if the vet that is going to neuter him is going to also remove that stink glad while under antithesis ? Thanks..Sue

The preputial diverticulum is a butterfly shaped pouch located in the center of the male pigs belly. This gland collect fluids like semen and urine and creates the strong "Boar Odor". Female pigs love the scent, but people are not so fond of the odor.

In intact pigs, this gland grows quite large. When the pig is neutered, the gland begins to shrink. Male pigs are fertile as ages as young as 8 or 9 weeks old. By age 6 months, your pig is definitely fertile. Piggy will remain fertile for about 30 days after neutering. After a couple of weeks, piggy will be much less boarish. He won't foam, pace, hump or smell quite as much. He might hump for a while simply out of habit, but, eventually, it will stop. The preputial diverticulum will continue to shrink and the smell will abate. His tusks will continue to grow, but much slower.

Removing the preputial diverticulum is not recommended. It can be tricky and have long term complications. A few weeks after neutering, it won't be an issue. On rare occasions, if the pig is fairly young and extremely stressed or frightened, it may expel. I have not seen this happen on old pigs neutered when young.