Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > urinating/marking


22 9:17:54

We have two male pot bellied pigs. They both were neutered at 12 weeks old. The one pb had a retained testie which the vet removed. My question is that he is still acting boarish and has started to want to mark on your feet! They are now 15 weeks old. Our vet says that it can take up to 3-6 months for all the hormones to leave the body does this sound like something he will out grow or a learned behavior?
Also, they both weigh around 11lbs and are 15 weeks is there any way to estimate how large they will grow?
We feed them one cup of Mazuri pb feed and 1/3 cup plain quaker oats a day plus salad at noon time. Does this sound like too much or about right? We also give them a childrens vitamin once a day. I am concerned about their weight and don't want it to get out of control.

Your Vet is can take a while for all the changes to take place after the piglet is neutered.  I usually neutered my males as soon as their testicles drop to get ahead start on the process.
You should see a change from a couple of weeks to two months before the odor is completely gone.
As afar as size....
It is hard to guess at this age as different lines or groups of Pot Bellied Pigs mature at different ages.
It does sound like for their age now they are on the smaller side. You can tell more about the size if you see the parents and know how old they actually were when the piglets were born.  Sometimes you can go back and see the same parents a year later and that will be the better judge.  Pot bellied pigs continue to grow for at least 3 years.  After that it is even more necessary to feed them properly.
If you want healthy pigs without the weight gain I would suggest that you try the Infinity Plus Starter Chow.  You can find it on the product page at This is the best feed to keep your piglets healthy but not gain unwanted weight.  They also have a wonderful Vitamin/mineral supplement that is the best out there for mini pigs.
The salad at noon sounds fine...just keep it to small amounts.  They They also love grapes, apples, raisins and other fruits.  Again, don't over due as these are calories and add up quick.  
Good luck with your piglets,