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spayed pbp with red swollen vagina

22 9:13:45

I searched for the answer I hope you can help me.  Our little one has been spayed and she is 14 weeks old she now has a swollen vagina that is red.  Is that normal

Some pigs naturally have a reddish tint to their skin, this usually indicates Juliani ancestry. When a female pig goes into heat, this area often turns a deeper red and swells.

Spayed pigs do not go into heat. 14 weeks is also a little on the young side to get a first heat, which normally happens at about 5 or 6 months.

I am not a veterinarian and can not make a medical diagnosis over the internet. Redness and swelling in a spayed pig that young indicates a problem, probably an infection of some sort. If your pig was spayed recently, my guess is the redness and swelling might be due to an infection from the surgery. Or it could be a urinary tract infection.

Your pig will need to see a vet for treatment. There's a list of vets that treat piggies here