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pigs toe

22 9:15:37

her toe is over grown and she wont walk on it what do i do?

Pigs hooves sometimes require trimming. Most pigs really dislike hoof trimming.

Ideally, a piglet should get used to having his hooves touched, rubbed and fussed with. It's difficult to get an older pig to learn to enjoy a hoof trim.

Vets often prefer to knock a pig out for hoof trimming. First, it's easier to handle the pig, and second, it's a lot quieter. An unhappy pig can scream very loud, and most pigs are not happy about hoof trimming.

However, it's possible and often preferable to get a couple of strong people to just hold the pig securely and trim. There's a short video of a hoof trim here

Use hoof nippers for goats, sheep or pot-bellied pigs, available from or  Cutting wire works on super thick, very long hooves. But it's harder to use, heats up enough to cause burns, and the hoof will require a bit of shaping with regular hoof trimmers.