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Caring for her skin

22 9:15:30

We have had Maggie about a week now, she is adapting well. My question is two fold, one regarding feeding, she was not weaned like we were told, so I bottle fed her for several days, and now have moved to baby cereal and oatmeal mixed with her formula in a dish. I have tried pitting a few pellets (pig food) into her mixture, she avoids them completely. I was hoping she would eventually take to her solid food, what shall I do?

Second, she loves to be scratched and belly rubbed, but her skin is so dry, would it help to put something on tho help moisturize her, will it help her not to itch. She is in the house most of the time (other than every three hours for potty), but gradually each day we spend some time outdoors, she likes this if I am with her, but  eventually if I need to go somewhere, I would like her to be outside, when I am gone, should I use a sunscreen on her?

First of all how you should feed your piglet depends on it's age.

If I know her age I can give you my feeding advice.
As far as her dry skin....make sure she has been wormed with Ivomec .27%.  She will need one dose for her weight and then another dose in 10 to 14 days.
That will insure that she is parasite free.
A very good shampoo that is formulated just for pigs is Infinity plus.  You can find it on the web site product page.  They have a good line of pig products for skin care and Vit/Mins also.  They also carry a coat and skin topical cream for their skin that works extremely well.
Hope this helps and get back to me with the age of your piglet.
