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mini-pet pig

22 9:15:30

I hope you can help me. I cannot seem to find anyone to answer my questions.
I have a 6 month old mini-potbelly names Sill. I purchased him from a breeder in Kentucky. (Hidden Velley Rabbitry and pigs) I llive in Rhode Island. When we received him, his paperwork said that he had Ivomec the day he left. Slowly over time he developed a red tinge and was very itchy. Took him to the vet and they did 2 scrapings saying it was only dry skin. I knew that wasn't it so, I did some research and got the Ivomec myself. I gave him 1cc every 5 days for a month for chronic mange. I cleaned his bedding. he cleared all up and was looking great and healthy.Now 2 weeks later it seems the mange is back.
I did not bomb/fog the house. Should I? Also, should I Ivomec him again it seems too soon and I do not want to hurt Sill. I am so confused and just want him to be happy and healthy.
I have 2 cats. he is no where near another animal that would have mange. Please Help.

Mange can be difficult to eradicate. I'm surprised the scrapings showed nothing.

Mange mites have a 2 week life cycle. The first treatment kills the living mites, but the eggs remain unscathed. Two weeks later, a second treatment kills the mites that are hatching from those eggs. In difficult cases, a third treatment is given two weeks after that.

Dosage goes by weight and use. The Ivo package will have the proper dose for the intended use. Ivo can be used orally, by injection, or on the skin. Also, Ivo comes in different concentrations. A 2% Ivo doesn't have much medicine, an 80% has a lot, so the dosage would be very different for each. As a rule of thumb, Ivo made for injection can be given orally with double the dose.

If you've followed the dosage and use instructions on the Ivo package, and the skin scrapings showed nothing, then it's possible the problem is something other than mange. At this point, it's time to consult a vet with some pot-bellied pig experience. There's a list of vets here:   Some vets will do phone consultations with your or work with other vets, so even if none are near you do not hesitate to call the ones closest.