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Orphaned Wild Pig

22 9:14:04

I have an orphaned wild pig that I have been raising for the past two weeks. She was only a few days old when I got her after her mother had been killed. She is very sweet and took to eating very well. I have been feeding her out of a shallow dish using goat replacer. In the past week she began choking and aspirating when eating. I have tried mixing baby food and some rice cereal in with the milk to make it thicker. I have tried adding piglet/sow pellets to her milk, but she doesn't know how to eat it real well. Is this what I need to do to avoid the choking? She has been to the vet and he said her lungs sounds great, but gave me some Clavamox as a precaution. Any advice would be great. She has become really special to me and would hate to lose her.

What a lucky little piglet that you found her!
I think that the problem is that if she were with her mother she would be eating more often and lessor amounts of milk. She needs the liquid milk as that is her only source of fluids to keep her hydrated.
Have you tried feeding her with a bottle?  It would kind of be going backwards but it might be the best way to go for now.
I use marsupial nipples.  They work very well and you can buy them on line.
Hope this helps,