Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > painful defecation

painful defecation

22 9:18:49

Hi.  My pig was screaming today while he pooped.  He was in tremendous pain.  Is this constipation?  Could there be another reason for this?  Please help.

I am not a vet and really can not make a diagnosis over the Internet. But anytime a pig is in pain the situation is serious. It could be constipation, or hemorrhoids, or hernias, or partial intestinal blockage. You might want to scoop up a little of the poop in case the vet wants to test it. If piggy seems ok otherwise, it *might* be safe to wait to see if piggy is any better in a few hours, but if this happens again he will need to see a vet at once.