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warming mats

22 9:14:48


my boy willy
hi there i have a 2 1/2 year old black pbp his name is Wilbur.We live in western mass and we just had our first cols snow fall of the season. I got Wilbur last Feb and he lived on my patio until the spring when I built him a nice shelter. Wilbur came to me under weight almost hair less. I've since had him all de warmed and shots and hooves clipped. my concern is that he may not be warm enough I wanted to know about warming mats? and where i can bye one in my area?Wilbur is not yet fixed I plane to do that in the spring. Wilbur now is quite the hairy pig and I have him well with extra straw

The key words for an outdoor pig shelter are "Dry" and "Windproof". These are the two most important things beyond anything else.

Dry is important because wet bedding does not hold heat, no matter what kind of bedding it is. Windproof is important because if all the heat is blown out, it will never get warm.

Fresh straw is great insulation. But, it doesn't last that long. Once it's crushed and crumbly it no longer holds the heat. So be sure to add fresh straw to his house at least once a week and maybe even once a day when the weather gets really cold. Be sure to store the straw in a dry place.

Western MA gets pretty cold in winter, his house will stay a little warmer if it's covered with a plastic tarp, anchored on three sides. Also, a rubber floor mat or truck mud flap over his door will keep wind and water out.

Stall mats are cushy and will insulate the floor, but they don't provide any heat themselves, so you'll still need to stuff his house with straw. Locally, check with your feed & straw supplier, if they don't have any in stock they might be able to order one. Farm & Fleet stores may carry them. If you can't find one locally, Valley Vet Supply carries them.