Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > loud pig

loud pig

22 9:16:14

Hi, I currently have a 6month old spayed female potbelly pig. She constantly "screams" all the time. She is hardly ever quiet only when she sleeps. What can I do to get her to stop "screaming" all the time?

Every pig screams at some time or other.
This is because most owners inadvertantly "train" them to.
They give into the pig's needs (usually food) in desperation to make the pig be quiet.
Again, all of us have been manipulated by our pig.
The trick is in retraining ourselves NEVER to give in to a noisy pig.
You must make up your mind and be consistent.
At first this will seem impossible, but the pig will give up in about a week.
Remember, never reward your pig for undesirable behavior.
You need our behavior book at