Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > Piggy wondering off

Piggy wondering off

22 9:16:14

Hello, I have a 9 month old potbellied pig...I live on a small 10 acre farm on a

dead end road. My piggy usually gets to wonder the property, and my

neighbors (she has a little 3 year old son who loves to watch him) but recently

he has been going really far...within minutes he walked far away and didn't

come when I called! i've tried a harness and leash...but he slips right out! i

don't really have enough money to put a fence up...what should i do?

A wandering pig is often a dead pig. They fall prey especially to dogs and irate neighnors who do not like their flower beds dug up.
Once a pig has the run of the land, it is hard to change it.
If you love your pig your will fence and control it,
"hog panel" sold at feed stores, is reasonable and works well.
Buy an A-line  pig harness from  And our book at
Don't lose your pig forever.
Good luck,