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Not gaining weight after having babies

22 9:10:31

I have a three year old mini pig she had her second litter in november and the babies nursed until they right about 6 weeks, the first litter he had was only 3 and she didn't get real thin they didn't nurse as long. This litter was a year later and she lost alot of weight after nursing. You can feel her bones, she is eating great, going to the bathroom normal, drinking her water and seems to not be in pain. She isn't just laying around or anything. And my male is just fine, they are separated. I was thinking I deworming her just in case but I really think its related to the babies. I just didn't know if she will pick the weight back up. I have talked to some people that theirs lost alot of weight too and they gain it back it just takes time. I have a vet but he is 3 hours away and she hates the car so don't want to take the drive unless need be.

Yes......weight loss is very common when sows are nursing.
Depending on how many piglets she is nursing you may want to consider weaning this litter a little younger (as soon as they are eating pellets well)as larger litters will drag the sow down much faster.
You can sprinkle a bit of dry milk over their pellets to make sure that they are getting enough calcium.  I usually do this for a couple of months after thy are weaned.
You sow will pick up her weigh over the next couple of months.
Good luck,