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Possible broken leg

22 9:14:00

I adopted a one year old neutered male pot bellied pig about 2 months ago. He was obese when I got him and has aways had a slight limp in his right front leg. Yesterday when I went out to feed him he was not putting any weight on that leg. I treated him with 100 milligrams of Rimadly and this morning there was no improvement. I have a feeling the leg may be broken. What is typically done for a pig with a broken front leg? Thanks!

I am not a veterinarian and can not make a medical diagnosis over the internet.

The treatment for a broken bone depends on the kind of break and where it is located. The only way to get this information, if there is a break at all, is with an X-ray.

Lameness is a common symptom in obese pbp but broken bones are seldom the cause. The problem is usually sprains, strains or arthritis flare ups. Any simple problem, like a strain from a stumble or slip, is compounded by the excess weight. Lameness in a front leg is often caused by a problem in the shoulder.

Pigs have sturdy bones to support their dense bodies. It usually requires a strong blow to break a healthy pigs bones. But not every pig is healthy, runts in particular are prone to weaker bones. And, excess weight puts pressure on the knees, often causing "knock knees". The knees may straighten a bit as the pig looses weight.

If piggy will let you, give him a belly rub and try to feel along the leg up to the shoulder. Look for swelling, hot spots, or signs that touching a particular place hurts. Work your way up to the shoulder. If you can't find anything wrong, the next diagnostic step is an X-ray. It's the only way to see the bones inside.