Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > Grass


22 9:14:00

I would like to plant grass for my Potbelly to eat, do you have suggestions? Thanks Helen!!

Any lawn grass that grows well in your climate is fine for a pot-bellied pig. The important thing is to keep it free of chemicals like pesticides and herbicides. These are basically poisons, one kills insects the other kills plants. Neither one is meant to be eaten by people or animals.

Plant food is less dangerous, but still not meant to be eaten. Instead of chemical feeds, compost your piggies poop and use that to feed the lawn.

One option is to use a compost bin, adding scraps like vegetable peels or dead leaves, to the poop, and turning it frequently until transforms into compost.

A faster way is to get a large bucket, and put all the pig poops (pig berries) in it. Fill the bucket mostly up with warm water, and set it in the sunshine in a warm spot for a few hours. Stir it up, and it's ready to pour right onto the lawn or flower garden.