Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > mini Maialino pigs

mini Maialino pigs

22 9:14:06

I am looking for a small pig (not more that 50 lbs) and I heard about these mini
Maialino pigs. I searched for breeders and couldn't find any. Do you know of any
good breeders for small pigs? I am located in CT.


Maialino is the Italian word for "piglet". It is not recognized by any swine registry as a breed or type. Unregistered breeders can name their particular pigs anything they like for marketing purposes. Breeders associated with a registry must follow the rules and guidelines.

Pot-bellied pigs grow quickly the first two years, and slower until they are 4 or even 6 years old. All piglets are small, but there are few healthy, adult pigs over age 6 that are under 100 lbs.

The North American Pot-Bellied Pig Association sponsors a registry and affiliated breeders follow their standards. You can learn more about NAPPA, pot-bellied pigs, and breeders at