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Litter Box Training

22 9:15:20

I am completly confused when it comes to training my piglet he is 3 months old and I'm not sure if I train him like I would a cat or if it's different. So how do you train a piglet to use the litter box?

Cats and pigs are completely different. Cats are natural predators, pigs are natural prey. So they see the world in totally different ways.

Cats learn to potty in a litter box. Pigs learn to potty in a particular spot, whether a litter box is there or not! So pick the spot for the litter box carefully, because in piggy's mind, that will always be a potential Potty Spot.

If you have a very small piglet, ideally you'll want to confine her to a small part of the house, to keep her safe and keep an eye on her potty habits. You'll need a litter box there, and it may need to stay there as long as a year, because her body may not be able to "hold it" for extended periods until she is at least that old.

Take her to her potty box whenever she wakes up, before and after eating, and every couple of hours.

I highly recommend Priscilla Valentines book Pot-Bellied Pig Behavior and Training. Pris really understands how pigs think, and her book goes into much more detail about potty training than I can cover here. Her book is available from or Also, Yahoo has a couple of chat groups devoted to pot-bellied pigs, including PotSpot and PigInfoAndChat. Both groups are full of friendly people and are happy to discuss piggy issues, like potty training and what and how pigs think, in detail.