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potbellied pig foam around mouth and loss of voice after spay

22 9:14:46

I have a three month old female mini potbellied pig, she is just under 15 pounds. She was spayed 4 days ago. I noticed when we brought her home that she sounded like she had laryngitis and started getting white frothy foam bubbles around her mouth (mostly during feeding) she has continued with both the foam and the loss of voice since, she does make sound it is just very low and scratchy sounding. She was also given a rabies vaccine at the time of spay. She is resting more than usual (which I expected due to the surgery) but is otherwise acting normally, she does not feel warm to touch, her nose is cool and moist. She is eating and drinking as normal, she is defecating and urinating normally. I do not have any experience with mini pigs so I wanted to find out if this is normal, and how long this should be expected to last. Thank You

It's normal for pigs to foam at the mouth. Intact male pigs foam constantly. Females and neutered males foam when they are eating, or smell food, or are thinking about food. Or when they are excited or in pain or angry. Some pigs foam and squeak their teeth just because they can.

Your piglet probably started foaming due to the pain and stress of surgery, plus excitement over food. I am guessing she had to skip a meal or two prior to the surgery, and was probably very hungry when she came home.

Every pig is different, so it's hard to say when - or if - she'll stop foaming. Pig have three sets of teeth, so they are constantly loosing baby teeth and growing adult teeth until they are about 2 years old. The discomfort of teething can make a pig foam, so she may have cycles of foaming more and squeaking or grinding her teeth when a tooth is erupting, and far less foaming after age 2. Some pigs will always foam a bit at mealtimes. Other pigs rarely foam ever. It's a very individual thing, but perfectly normal and nothing to worry about.