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miniature pot belly pig

21 18:02:57

I have a miniature pot belly pig he is 3 months he is starting to hump more often now the vet said he is to young to be neutered. what can I give or do for as a alternative to slow down. he is small & awesome thank you

Male mini pigs can be fertile when they are as young as 8 weeks old. He should be old enough for neutering by 12 weeks, unless he is exceptionally tiny or there might be a retained testicle. Size is a more important factor than age in pig surgery.

I'm afraid there isn't any way to "slow him down", that's all driven by hormones. He will play for hours with any toy that can be humped. Many pigs enjoy using plastic buckets or pails. He might also like a giant pillow or rubber ball.

There's a list of vets that see pet pigs at