Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > neutering


22 9:18:02

I have a pot belly, he is about 10 months old, I took him when he was 4 months to the vet to get him  neutered and he could not find his testes, he said there was a small scar there and he felt he had already been neutered, I still have not seen anything drop but now he is mounting things and ejaculating.  He does not have any odor, is this normal for a neutered pig.  I know I had a gelding that would mount a mare but I never seen him actually ejaculate

Neutered pigs do not ever mount or ejaculate.
Potbellied pigs have very flat testicles compared to other males.
Sometimes they retain one in the abdomen, which must be removed.
Or, he may not be neutered at all.
A good vet should be able to tell the difference now.
But get him neutered, and you will have a MUCH better pet!
He should be put under to be neutered.
Good luck,
Priscilla Valentine