Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > 12 day old piglet

12 day old piglet

22 9:12:23

I have a 12 day old little mini pot belly piglet that we brought home on Sunday... She is not drinking out of a pan or eating bread like the breeder told us she would... We've been offering her canned goats milk as thats what we were told to give her... SHe wont drink it, so I've been syringing small amounts into her mouth when she will allow me to... But I feel like more is running out of her mouth then shes actually swallowing... She seems very lethargic and depressed at times but still screams a good bit and occassionally will still get up and play with her ball or follow us around the house! This morning her nose is all stopped up and she keeps sneezing... Please help us! We absolutely adore her in just the 2 days that we've had her...

You should take her back to the breeder and leave her with her mother for at least two more weeks.
No piglet should be weaned from it's mother's milk at two weeks old!
This is happening all the time now and it is deplorable!
She may have gotten milk in her lungs also which can cause pneumonia.  
Don't ever take a piglet that hasn't been weaned properly.
They should be with their mother and other siblings for at least 4 to 5 weeks.  Then they nee to be eating pelleted feed for a couple of weeks before you take them home.
They shouldn't be sent to their new homes until they are 7 to 8 weeks old.
They should be neutered and spayed also.
Good luck,