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4mos nipping and grunting

22 9:12:23

Hi there!
I recently, little over a week ago, got a mini pbp and he's about 4 months old.  Just wondering if it is normal for him to always be grunting and wanting to nip and bit things?  I found your answer to the same question with a much younger pig and just wanted to know if it's normal for an older pig to do the same?

Yes, at 4 months your pig is still just a baby. He's only recently started to eat on his own, and is still learning about his world. Also, some unethical breeders will vastly overestimate the age of a piglet, to persuade people to believe the pig will always be very tiny. Your vet can accurately determine the age of a young piglet by his teeth.

Give piggy safe toys or plenty of outside time to satisfy his natural curiosity. Pigs enjoy toys that make noise, like infant toys that make noise when pushed, or even electronic toys that make noise when a button is pressed. They enjoy ripping brown paper bags and phone books to shreds, and a bit of peanut butter makes it even more fun.

Some pigs are more vocal than others. Babies tend to talk a lot. As they get older, they learn how to sneak around silently to get into things they shouldn't, like refrigerators.

Pigs make many different sounds. When startled, they can bark almost like a dog. They can scream really loud when they're upset, and make soft "oooooooo" noises and squeaky-toy like sounds when they're getting ready to sleep. They make an excited "Haha" that sounds almost like a monkey, and, from time to time, a perfect piggy "oink".

Most pigs are a lot quieter when they reach age one or two, but some are just natural talkers. These noisy pigs are often, but not always, females.

I highly recommend the book Pot-Bellied Pig Behavior and Training by Priscilla Valentine. She really understands how pigs think, and why they do the things they do. Her book is available on