Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pot Bellied Pigs > Lookingfor a mini

Lookingfor a mini

22 9:18:05

Hell My Name is Sylvia. I have a friend who is a die hard Pig lover. And she is always keeping herself updated on how to care for and nurture a pig. I wanted to get jet a Miniature pot Bellied, preferably pink or white as a gift. She has a huge beautiful yard in southern California, and it would most likely be an in-door pet. I want it to be a surprise, but most adoption places have to do an inspection, again It has to be a surprise. If you know of any services who would be able to help I would greatly appreciate it.

Why not give her a "gift certificate" for a pig? Present it to her with a small stuffed or ceramic pig, or a needed pig-related item such as a feed bowl, harness, hoof nippers or a book.

This way she can be prepared with everything ready for the pig when it actually arrives, and the two of you can share the joy and excitement of picking out her pig together.