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weight loss in pot belly pigs

22 9:18:05

QUESTION: My 2 yr old female pot belly has drastically lost a lot of weight over the last 2 weeks. she is nursing 8 babies but she seems like she is ALWAYS starving. I have increased her food and have added table scraps (which i don't usually feed them) to try and fatten her up. I am worried about worms or parasites. nothing is visible in her poop but I know that doesn't mean anything. Should I call the vet or is there something else I can do?????? Please help. Thanks.

ANSWER:  Anytime a potbellied pig loses weight, call your vet.
I don't know how old the babies are, but they take a great toll on moms.
You may need to wean the babies or increase the food even more (potbellied pig feed is best).
Parasites are rarely visible in the poop.
Good luck,

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: umm...the babies where born may 30th. This is her 3rd liter but she only had 2 nursing the 1st time and 3 the 2nd time.

I would definitely consider weaning them shortly.
The health of the mother is one of the factors that breeders consider when picking a weaning time.
Goats' milk is the most digestible, but these piglets should be nibbling on a good pb pig feed by now. Mixing tbe pellets with milk will get them to eat the feed.
8 pigs is a lot of pigs to nurse.
I suspect she will regain her "figure" and do well.
Good luck,
and please consider our book "Potbellied Pug Behavior and Training" at
It will guide you on how to make these piglets great, obedient, housebroken, easy to hold,  and heathy pets from the get go.....our specialty
Priscilla Valentine